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Serbian Solar Plant

17 Jan 2023

Plant emissions reduced by 200.000 tonnes over working life.

The Toyo Tires factory solar array "Taiyo" (太陽), has been constructed to make tire production as environmentally friendly and carbon neutral as possible. Currently 50% of the solar panels have been commissioned with full utilisation coming inline, later this year.

Approximately 200.000 tonnes of CO2 will be saved through the use of solar power at the Serbian plant. The plant is the seconfd largest in the country and will be followed by a second solar array constructed next year at the Malaysian plant, reducing greenhouse gases even further.

During the construction of the solar array in Indjija, workers are being trained and prequalified for future jobs installing solar panels and managing the operation of solar power plants. These skills will be needed throughout the region in the future. The project as such is supported by UNDP Serbia, through the “Just Green Transition and Decarbonization in Serbia", financed by Government of Japan.

Toyo Tires is proud that this project will be the starting point of sustainable transformation here in this local society. 



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